1. The death of Brown and Garner has sparked
national outrage, and the anti-police demonstrations have erupted into
long-time looting and clashes in Ferguson, Missouri. What do you think the
tragedy was rooted from and why the loss of control in public emotions
The two deaths and the reaction to them are
not new. The history of police overreaction and/or incompetence goes back
hundreds of years in US history. The source is as unchanged as the history: racism.
It took 250 years for the United States to move from the concept of “separate
but equal” in its treatment of blacks to the legal concept of full equality of
all citizens. The Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision that
provided for equal education came down in 1954 and here we are 70 years later
with parts of the US still effectively segregated as in Ferguson.
One major difference in the current events is
new media. News is now available 24/7 on cable television and the Internet
where smartphone use keeps everyone informed anytime and anyplace, all the time.
China has even more experience with social media than the USA does. News in
China moves at the speed of light, often ahead of the government’s attempts to
regulate the flow of information. In the USA with its open information flow the
situation becomes exaggerated through fear that is often the result of rumour
that passes for news or other unsubstantiated reporting.
Ferguson and the behaviour of police forces in
a big city like New York and tiny place like Ferguson are falsely lumped
together as a single event.
When a community is aggrieved, it reacts, and
often violently. In the civil rights struggle in the USA demonstrations in the
1950s and 60s were often peaceful while the reverend Martin Luther King was
alive. He preached non-violence and set the moral tone for much of the black
community. Prior to Dr. King violence and looting prevailed. After Dr. King the
picture is mixed. In NY peaceful demonstrations have prevailed, while rioting
and looting characterize Ferguson. Much of the difference is in the size and
experience of the communities involved. New York City, America’s largest city
and Ferguson, Missouri one of its smallest communities.
2. Compared with Missouri’s days of violence, New
York has seen large but peaceful protests after the deaths of two African
Americans. What are the main reasons that contribute to the two different outcomes?
The easy answer is in the character of the two
police forces. The NY City Police Department is a force of nearly 40,000 men
and women including members from all of the city’s minorities. As many as 800
different languages are spoken in New York City, more than any other city in
the world. 40% of the city’s inhabitants of New York are foreign born. In
short, diversity is the fundamental character of the city. There is a long
history of violent clashes between and among many of the minorities including
everything from local gangs to organized crime families (like triads in HK and
mainland China and Taiwan). But the experience of a now relatively integrated
police force gives the city the opportunity to deal with threats of violence in
the context of minority cultures and languages. Many minorities have learned
that there is more to be accomplished through peaceful demonstration than
through violence. Violent demonstrations have diminished in many large American
Looters are another story. Looters are not
demonstrating, they are ordinary criminals who take advantage of any situation
and are nothing more than thieves who want to steal anything they can get their
hands on. The police in New York City as in other large cities have learned how
to deal with looters fairly effectively.
3. Do you think the two cases mentioned above
will set off African-American Civil Rights Movement? Why and how? What the activists’
appeals are mainly about?
Since the death of Dr. Martin Luther King 46
years ago the US Civil Rights Movement has not had a new national – much less
international – leadership. Even local and regional leaders have been
relatively weak. Part of the reason is the immigration of Mexican and Latin
American minorities into the USA, the growth in the Asian population that
includes significantly Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and
the Philippines. The primary and secondary public schools in the USA just this
year became majority/minority. More minorities than white Americans now attend
public schools in the USA.
The minority population of the USA will exceed
the former white majority within the next year or two. This is a long way of
saying that a combination of events and facts have diversified and thereby
diminished what was the former African American Civil Rights movement. The
struggle for civil rights and human rights continues but it has diversified
into many minority communities and can therefore appear to be weaker than it
once was.
4. The police have been a lot argued about in the
Brown and Garner deaths. Some say they are too militarized, what do you think?
What can be done to establish better relations between the police and the
communities they serve, especially communities of color?
Brown and Garner are two examples of the same
problem. There is evidence that the adoption of high technology and deadly force
weapons by police departments has outpaced the training of even the best police
departments. A small police force like Ferguson demonstrated everything that is
wrong. The following chart from USA Today demonstrates how the population mix
in Ferguson, a suburb of St Louis Missouri, has changed.

What has not changed is the local Police force
in Ferguson that remained predominantly white, underfunded and poorly trained
though relatively well equipped. Much of the local police force’s equipment
came from the US Department of Defense in a program meant to help underfunded
small police forces to be better equipped. The problem is the military
equipment included automatic weapons, and heavy armored vehicles, the kinds
soldiers use to fight wars. This was the equipment the Ferguson force used to
confront demonstrators when they marched to protest the shooting of a young
black man by a police officer. In English the expression for this excessive
display of force is called “overkill”.
By contrast the NY City Police Department has
equipment and trained officers men and women for every conceivable eventuality.
The NY City Police defend the representatives from 140 countries in the world
who meet at the UN. There are almost daily parades that celebrate the national
days and religious holidays of the many different national and ethnic
populations in the city. Police are trained to prevent violence in what are
daily demonstrations for a variety of causes and complaints in the city. There
are the ordinary daily crimes of burglary and car theft. There are violent
crimes of rape of murder. The NY City Police Department is far from perfect but
what it has more than any other police department in the world is an experience
and training not available elsewhere. Response to danger or crime can be
nuanced to meet the different levels of threat.
5. Though with the guarantee of law, in reality
do the communities of color still experience injustice? How often, in what way
and what does that bias come from?
Any minority in the USA will have his or her
stories of daily experience with bias. African Americans and dark skinned
Latinos stand out from a white population and are the most frequent victims of
everything from racial profiling by police who may automatically watch them
more than others. Statistically, more African American are arrested and
imprisoned in the USA than any other group. The lack of a coherent immigration
policy has added to racial bias particularly among the recent Mexican and Latin
American undocumented immigrant population. In some cities a traffic violation
by an undocumented foreigner can result in deportation. The growing Muslim
populations in the USA are easily identified by their dress, as are some Indians
from India.
The USA is often called a “melting pot” as if
the many diverse populations are integrated into a mix like a stew. That may be
a nice image but it is false. The realty is that minorities tend to naturally
congregate. Districts and sections of cities develop along socio-economic lines
that often parallel the origins of their populations. In the US that includes
ethnic, national, and religious minorities. NY for example has the largest
Jewish population outside Israel. There are sections of NY where Jews form a
majority locally. Chicago has the largest Polish population outside Poland. San
Francisco has the largest Chinese population in the country. These are not
integrated communities; they are enclaves of people with common languages, and
This proliferation of populations can easily
fall victim to racism. If you are considered “different” because of how you
look, how you dress, the language you speak, the culture you follow, you are
often treated less well than when you are part of what may be considered the
mainstream population.
The NBA, as popular in China as it is in the
USA, is a sport whose players are predominantly African-American. Spectators
and fans of the NBA in the USA often include more whites than blacks. In this
case the difference is economic. The tickets are expensive and not readily
affordable by less well off African-Americans. This is an example where a white
man or woman may feel discriminated against as a player, while blacks may feel
discriminated against because they cannot afford the price of a ticket to a
6. The piece of article by John Eligon of the New
York Times, in which he used the term “no
angel” to picture Michael Brown, has stirred up
controversy and bounce. How do the American media deal with issues relevant to
colored groups? How do they portray them and to avoid racial discrimination?
Will the cultural stereotypes perpetuated by the media happen a lot? In what
I expect the editor responsible for Mr.
Eligon’s article is asking him or herself the same questions. Mr. Eligon is
African-American. He has said he made a mistake using the phrase “no angel” and
suggested he should have said that Mr. Brown was not perfect. Much of the
article dealt with positive aspects of Michael Brown’s life, but they are lost
in the controversy. The controversy is a reflection of the sensitivities of
minority issues and how rapidly people and groups can feel discrimination and
bias. This can be difficult for many Chinese to understand. China has nearly 60
minority populations, yet the total population is more than 95% Han. How many
Chinese ever see someone who is an obvious minority? Foreigners yes from the
West. I can remember when I first
came to Shantou in 2003 and went downtown, little children would follow me.
When I inquired why they followed me, I was told: “They have never before seen
a foreigner.” That has changed by now but 2003 is barely more than a decade
ago. China’s obvious minorities are in the Western and Northern Provinces,
where they are often a majority population locally. Cities like Beijing and
Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, Chengdu and a few other mega cities in China
are increasingly experiencing an influx of foreigners. It is more common to see
people who look different, and speak other languages. But few of these people are
permanent residents. They are tourists or short-term business travelers. There
is less racial tension when foreigners or minorities are temporary visitors
compared to permanent residents.
The US media suffers from a lack of diversity
in its own ranks. Mexican and Latin Americans are relatively invisible in US
mainstream media. African-American reporters and editors are not a reflection
of their percentages in the population as a whole. Asians even less so. Here
the development of minority media is the partial answer.
There is a selection of Spanish- speaking
cable channels and radio stations in the country. African-Americans have cable
networks devoted to their audiences. Cities with significant Chinese
populations have Chinese cable channels. The concept of integrated media may be
an ideal to some, but the reality is elsewhere. All of these developments
contribute to the fact that the typical white reporter has fewer and fewer
opportunities to experience or learn about minority populations and cultures in
the USA.
Stereotypes are still common. A parallel
example in China comes from CCTV where minorities are often portrayed wearing
their native costumes. This makes it difficult for a Han Chinese to imagine a
minority as a neighbor who might be an ordinary office worker, or a doctor or
lawyer or schoolteacher.
If you see a very tall black man or woman,
what is your first thought? Basketball player, or bus driver, or doctor or
In New York City many of the small green
grocer shops are owned and operated by Koreans. White New Yorkers often think
of Koreans in that role. Many Chinese immigrants who came to New York decades
ago started restaurants and dry cleaning establishments. There are still many
older New Yorkers who when they see a Chinese think food or dry cleaning.
Stereotypes die hard.
Fortunately among the young as the world
travels more and more stereotypes are also dying.
7. China has shared the same characteristics with
America that they are both countries with many ethnic groups. What
China can learn from America's experience and lessons to deal with the ethnic minority problem?
There are partial answers to this
question in some of my previous answers.
There remains a larger challenge
for China because its majority/minority situation is unique. India with a
comparable population is a nation of minorities speaking at least 400
distinctly different languages, plus a variety of religions and ethnicities.
China by contrast has a national language with hundreds of provincial and local
dialects. Mandarin, China’s common language gives the population an advantage.
Chinese can speak to each other, even if there are many other differences
between them that include misunderstanding their common language.
Chinese tend to identify
themselves through their family. After that they may consider their hometown or
their home Province.
At the same time since the modern
Chinese revolution in 1949, the concept of the Chinese nation has never been
But what of the 57+ minorities in
China? How Chinese do they feel, and if you are a Han Chinese how do you feel
about them? Are they what the Chinese constitution calls for: citizens with
equal rights and privileges?
These are the challenges and
opportunities facing China.
The national government feels
challenged when there are demonstrations or riots in the minority areas of the
country. The issue is how to deal with the minorities. If they want to live by
their separate languages and cultures, should they be forced into integration
into the Chinese mainstream? Historically that is not likely to succeed. Can a
minority be forced into subjugation? Again, historically not likely?
How much representation do Chinese
minorities have in mainstream China? Minorities represent less than 5% of the
population, so should they have any more representation than they do? There are
many more questions than answers to these issues.
The best and worst examples of
minority issues are in the smaller countries. Holland has a population of about
16 million with a minority foreign-born population of about 1.6 million or 10%.
Integration of the Dutch minorities, many from former colonial Indonesia have
been relatively successful through education of the domestic and foreign
Norway has a population of 5
million, including 600,000 relatively recent foreign immigrants. A recent
survey of native Norwegians has uncovered racial and ethnic bias that includes
significant strains of anti-Semitism against Jews, and a strong dislike of
Muslim, Somali and Roma (gypsy) populations.
Racism is a fact in almost all
countries and populations. Racism is not new. Majorities have problems with
minorities because they tend to be different. The differences can be small and
insignificant. What Chinese Province does not claim to have the most beautiful women
and the smartest children? There is no objective truth to those claims and yet
we tend to believe them, at least a little bit.
“Ethnic cleansing” whether it is
the many recent genocides in Africa and the Balkans, or historic examples that almost
exterminated entire native populations in North and South America including the
Nazi Holocaust throughout Eastern and Western Europe, these are examples of
extreme racism. How far have we advanced may be the best question to ask?